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Saturday, 6 March 2010

Oman stereotypes: A video

Hi everyone, Those are our stereotypes that we have debunked. Hope that you will enjoy watching our videos. Cheers, Fatma Al Mazroea


  1. Thanks a lot Fatma. You have done a great job. I liked your answers. Hope to see more. Thanks also extend to your teacher, Mona.
    Wish you the very best


  2. Dear Teachers,
    Thanks a lot for having debunked the stereotypes we had about you. And... what a great away of doing it! The video is amazing, the answers to the stereotypes are very clear.Thanks again:)
    Best Regards

  3. Hello Omani friends! Here is Susana, a MarĂ­lia's student.

    What a great work! The video is really interesting and your answers to our stereotypes are very clear. I'm glad you've debunked the wrong ideas that we had about Oman.
    I'm sure this kind of works provides us a better understanding of other cultures.

    Just a curiosity. What's the name of the song that you used in the video? :)


  4. Great jobs and your answers are very sensible.
    Oman is a tolerant country.
    Seeing that men can still marry more than one wife is really incredible for us.
    But traditions are strong.

  5. Hi again

    Just wanna say hi to all.


  6. Hey susana,
    Thanks a lot for your lovely words.
    It is composed for the History of Oman,the development and the changes that take place nowadays.
    All the best,

  7. hi fatma
    well done to you and all your friends and teacher.you have done a great job here. i have noticed that you write the word (cheers)at the end of your messages. i think it is inappropriate to use as we are Muslims dear.
    thanx alot and keep it up.

    khaula Ali
    iearner and english Supervisor from Muscat Region
